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Aura | Aura Colours | Aura Reading | Human Aura

Basically, Aura is a kind of radiations that every individual emits from their body in the form of different colours of a rainbow. The Aura of an individual directly depends upon their emotions, psyche, bringing up, genes, success or failure, relationships & reaction to a particular situation. We can also say that one’s Aura depends on their state of being.

Definitely, Aura can be enhanced & Chakras can be balanced through methodical meditation, breathing exercises & yoga. Ancient medical systems believe that our energy is expressed in seven layers (i.e. seven chakras). Each layer correlates to a different element of emotional, physical, spiritual & mental health. These layers seven layers can interact with one another to influence our overall health.

Aura is Related to our Health, Emotions & success

According to medical studies, various nerves of the body organs culminate at hand/palm. Usually, this technique is used to find disorders in the human body. A good Aura Therapist can also accurately predict future diseases. Our Chakras gets immediately affected by any physical ailment & emotional imbalance that is just started within our body. And once the imbalance in the Chakras is established or Chakras are balanced the remedial action becomes very easy. A good Aura Therapist can predict the physical ailment probably six months in advance.

Aura Colour | How to See Aura Color

The Aura Color of an individual can be of a single colour or multiple colours. It is possible to see different tones & shades in one’s aura as well. The multi-coloured Aura is more common than the aura radiating one colour only. Each energy centre or each chakra emits a specific color. These are known as the seven auric bodies that can layer auric colors around your body.

The aura colors can mingle to ceate a rainbow auric effect or one chakra may be more prominent in your body and serves as a guide for your life purpose. Basically, the aura colours & aura color meanings help to guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself. The list of primary aura colours & chakra associated with them is given below.

Aura Color Chakra Associated with Aura
Red Aura Muladhara Chakra/ Root Chakra
Orange Aura Swadhisthana Chakra/ Sacral Chakra
Yellow Aura Manipura Chakra/ Solar Plexus Chakra
Green Aura Anahata Chakra/ Heart Chakra
Blue Aura Vishuddha Chakra/ Throat Chakra
Indigo Aura Ajna Chakra/ Third Eye Chakra
Violet Aura/ Purple Aura Sahasrara Chakra/ Crown Chakra

Aura Reading/ Aura Scanning

Aura Reading & Aura Scanning is an art which a person learns after the long experience & dedicated effort in this field. The reading of Aura & Chakras needs immense expertise & exposure to the thousands of Auras of different individuals starting from most influential people like Spiritual leaders (Gurus), politicians, industrialists, actors, etc. to very sick patients, persons with different ailments like heart problem, diabetes, kidney problems and other dreaded diseases to even beggars also.

The more an Aura therapist is exposed to such kind of Auras the more accurately he can predict & also more accurately he can heal or enhance one’s Aura. An Aura can actually be seen from naked eyes by concentrating on one’s forehead & then looking at an adjacent object such that their head or shoulder area. You can see Aura in the form of different colours i.e. yellow/ green/ blue/ white etc. A good Aura therapist should actually tell the individual’s Aura by seeing from the naked eyes prior to seeing the Aura by machine.
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