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RudrakshaRajeev Krishna Vastu Science For Home & OfficeAnti Black Magic Products For Vastu
Virtual Door Opener Rod in brass-ABMVP1072-1

Virtual Door Opener Rod in brass-ABMVP1072-1 Virtual Door Opener Rod in brass-ABMVP1072-2
Virtual Door Opener Rod in brass-ABMVP1072
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Product Options
Rs 2580/- $ 32 USD Option 1: Virtual Door Opener Rod in brass Virtual Door Opener Rod in brass
Width : approx 1 Inches
Height : approx 12 Inches
Weight: approx 1278 gms
Rs 3780/- $ 47 USD Option 2: Virtual Door Opener Rod in brass Virtual Door Opener Rod in brass
Width : approx 1 Inches
Height : approx 15 Inches
Weight: approx 1624 gms
Product Description
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Anti Black Magic Products for Vastu | Ward Off Black Magic with Powerful Vastu Remedies

Black magic, also known as dark energy or negative energy, has been a subject of concern for many individuals seeking harmony and positivity in their lives. In Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture and design, there are several remedies and products that are believed to help protect against the effects of black magic. These anti-black magic products aim to create a positive and protective environment, shielding individuals from the malevolent forces. The Vastu products are delivered to the customers after proper energization & pran pratishtha. Therefore all the devotees are requested to forward their date, time & place of birth while ordering vastu products, so that the proper energization & pran pratishtha could be done on their names before the dispatch of the product.

Evil Eye Protection Yantra

This Yantra is absolutely effective against any kind of negative energy. The evil eye protection Yantra ward off the negative effects of an evil eye and even all kinds of Black magic. This Yantra will help ward off any evil from your house/ office. Evil Eye Protection Yantra is a very powerful tool as it has great power to catch the attention of the people. Any person with negative feelings or power will be immediately drawn towards it and his negative powers will get neutralized thereby warding off any negativity or Buri (Bad) Nazar.

Glass Kachuva (Tortoise)

Presence of the Glass Kachuva or Tortoise promotes good luck, wealth and prosperity. A crystal tortoise can be kept facing east or north direction in home or office. The tortoise has a strong shell which symbolizes protection, as tortoise Is Gifted With Long Life Therefore In Vastu Shastra And In Feng Shui, It Gives Long Life. The Crystal Turtle Tortoise with Plate represents the maximum age and longevity, stability, determination and will power.

Crystals & Gemstone

Crystals and gemstones have long been regarded as powerful tools to repel negative energies. In Vastu Shastra, specific crystals and gemstones are often recommended to counteract black magic. Black tourmaline, for instance, is believed to absorb negative energy and provide protection against psychic attacks. Similarly, amethyst is said to possess strong spiritual properties and can help ward off negative influences. These crystals can be worn as talismans or placed strategically in the house to create a protective shield.

Vastu Yantras

Vastu Yantras are sacred geometric diagrams designed to harness positive energy and dispel negative influences. Yantras such as the Sri Yantra, Mahakali Yantra, or Baglamukhi Yantra are believed to be highly effective in countering black magic. These Yantras can be placed in the house, particularly in areas prone to negative energy, to restore harmony and balance.

Protective Charms and Amulets

Protective charms and amulets have been used for centuries to safeguard against evil and black magic. In Vastu Shastra, specific symbols such as the Trishul (trident), Swastika, or Om are considered potent in repelling negative energies. These symbols can be engraved or printed on objects like wall hangings, keychains, or pendants, which can then be placed or worn to enhance protection against black magic.

Vedic Ritual Items of Vastu

Vedic rituals play a significant role in Vastu Shastra and are believed to cleanse and purify the energy of a space. Items used in these rituals, such as incense sticks, holy water, and sacred ashes, can also help ward off negative energies. Lighting camphor or dhoop (incense) regularly, sprinkling holy water in the house, or applying sacred ash (vibhuti) can create an environment resistant to black magic.

Salt and Herb Mixtures

Salt has long been regarded as a purifying agent in various cultures. In Vastu Shastra, a mixture of salt and specific herbs like turmeric, neem, and mustard seeds is believed to have protective properties against black magic. Sprinkling this mixture in corners of the house or placing it in small bowls can help absorb negative energies and create a protective shield.

Anti Black Magic Products For Vastu

In the quest for positive energy and protection against black magic, adhering to the principles of Vastu Shastra and incorporating anti-black magic products can be beneficial. It is important to remember that these products are meant to complement a holistic approach towards well-being and should be used in conjunction with spiritual practices and a positive mindset. Creating a harmonious and positive environment in our homes is not only believed to ward off black magic but also promotes overall well-being and peace of mind.

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