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Chakra | Aura Chakra | Chakra Therapy | Chakra Healing

What is Chakra? What is Aura? How to Balance a Chakra? Where to go for Chakra Therapy? You probably have a lot of confusions regarding chakra. But you don’t need to worry about Chakra, Aura & Chakra Healing. Here we are providing you with all the details on Chakra i.e. chakra healing, Chakra Therapy, what is a chakra, aura chakra and much more. You must hear that people talking about the 7 chakras. All these chakras are often referenced in the context of emotional healing or meditation practice.

What is Chakra? / About Chakra

By definition, Chakras are the energy centres within the human body which help to regulate all its processes i.e. emotions, organ function & immune system. All the 7 chakras are positioned throughout our body from the base of the spine to the crown of our head.

Each chakra has its own colour, vibrational frequency and they govern the specific functions that help to make you a well human. Actually, all the living things are comprised of & created by energy. Energy centres of our body function optimally and keep us emotionally, psychologically, spiritually & physically balanced. The list of all the seven Chakras, its associated colours and associated Endocrine Glands are given below.

Chakras Colours Endocrine Glands
Muladhara Chakra/ Root Chakra Red The Adrenal Medulla (above the Kidneys)
Swadhisthana Chakra/ Sacral Chakra Orange The Sexual Organs (Testes and Ovaries)
Manipura Chakra/ Solar Plexus Chakra Yellow The Pancreas
Anahata Chakra/ Heart Chakra Green The Thymus
Vishuddha Chakra/ Throat Chakra Bue The Thyroid Gland
Ajna Chakra/ Third Eye Chakra Indigo The Hypothalamus
Sahasrara Chakra/ Crown Chakra Purple The Pituitary Gland

How to Unblock Chakra/ Chakra Therapy

As we know that chakras are the energy centres in an individual’s body. Thus blockages & imbalances in Chakras lead to various mental & physical. It’s very simple to find an individual’s chakra which is blocked or unbalanced. You can Balance or unblock your chakras through Chakra Healing or Chakra Therapy. There can various causes of blocking a chakra such as fears, negative emotions & erratic lifestyle.

Chakras have a direct impact on the mental, physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing of an individual because chakras are the gateways of the flow of the universal energies to a human body. There are various ways to unblock the Chakra or Chakra Balancing. Some of the methods which are used to balance Chakra are Chakra Sadhana/ Chakra Meditation, Yoga, Color Therapy, Aroma Therapy & other energy healing techniques.

Chakra can also be balanced by using Rudraksha, Shaligram, Gemstones & Yantra. Rudraksha beads, Shaligram Shila & Yantra emit frequencies and the Gemstones radiate colours that resonate with various Chakras. In this way, it helps to balance an individual's chakra.

Chakra Healing through Aroma Therapy

Chakra Therapy/ Chakra Healing through aromatherapy is one of the potent & easiest ways to balance or active Chakras. The aroma is an essential oil having medicinal & mystic properties thus have been used to treat psychological, physical & energetic imbalances since ages. There are a few methods using which you can use aromatherapy to balance Chakra.

But the primary method of using Aroma Therapy is to use a diffuser, to diffuse one or a selection of aromas using essential oils. This method is best practised while meditating or practicing yoga. There is also another method which includes applying various essential oils directly on the location of the particular Chakra or using them in bath waters or for body massage or.

Some popular aromas that balance specific Chakras are listed below in the table:

Chakras Aromas
Muladhara Chakra or Root Chakra Vetiver, Myrrh, Patchouli, Clove, Cedar Nutmeg, Cinnamon & Ginger
Swathisthana Chakra or Sacral Chakra Sandalwood, Tangerine, Texas Cedarwood, Orange, Geranium & Pepper
Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra Myrrh, Lemon, Frankincense, Balsam Fir Needle & Lavender
Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra Rose, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Peppermint, Bergamot, Geranium & Tea Tree
Vishuddha Chara or Throat Chakra Lavender, Coriander, Geranium & Chamomile
Ajna Chakra or Third eye Chakra Vanilla, Orange, Bergamot & Lemon
Sahasrara Chakra or Crown Chakra Neroli, Jasmine, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang & Rose

What is Aura? / Difference Between Aura & Chakra

Aura is basically a kind of radiations that the human body emits from their body in the form of different colours of a rainbow. Aura of an individual directly depends upon their psyche, emotions, bringing up, his relationships, genes, success or failure & reaction to a particular situation. Aura can be enhanced & also Chakras can be balanced through a methodical programme of yoga, meditation & breathing exercises.

Aura is also related to our emotions, health, relationships & success. By scanning Aura, a good Aura Therapist can also accurately predict the future diseases of the individual. Our Chakras gets immediately affected by the emotional imbalance or any physical ailment that is just started within our body. That’s why once the Chakras is balanced, the remedial action becomes very easy. You can expect that a good Aura Therapist can predict the type of an ailment approx 6 months in advance.
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