In light of a legitimate concern for shopper security and state-funded training, Shaligram Shala presents these photos of Fake rudraksha dots that have been bought previously and kept. These dabs are sold in enormous amounts in India and outside by deceitful individuals exploiting the rage of the clients to get them. The commonplace cost at which they are sold reaches from $100 to $50,000. Shaligram Shala doesn't exchange cycle one mukhis as they are not accessible by any means. Regardless of whether you get them for a few 1000 dollars or from any ashrams or any dependable individual, it would not be certified as it has never been delivered to date by any Tree in Nepal or Indonesia. It encourages individuals to not go looking for this Rudraksha, on the grounds that it is uncommon. Half-moon 1 mukhi is accessible effectively as a minimal effort substitute. Subsequently, it is sold at a low cost from Shaligram Shala despite the fact that there are individuals who sell this equivalent dab at the cost of as much as $1100. For 1 mukhi round requests, we sell 1 mukhi from Java which shows comparable properties as celebrated for One mukhi in Puranas.
Shaligram Shala offers a free Verification Administration where there may be sensible uncertainty with respect to realness for any Rudraksha Dabs bought anyplace on the planet.
Most Common Fake One Mukhi Rudraksha | One Mukhi Rudraksha Fake Destroy life | Maximum Incidents Founds One Mukhi as a Rare Rudraksha
One mukhi purchased from Malaysia. It is almost four creeps in measurement and closely resembles a rudraksha. Notwithstanding, it is stuck with Rudraksha pieces
Two mukhi level globules from South India accessible richly. The line toward one side has left all things considered and the other line is physically adjusted to cut a lingam, Bother, and Trishul. This is the most usually sold phony one mukhi.
Counterfeit 24 mukhi cut out of Betelnut, mortar, and paint. Notice the spotless focal opening and uniform lines which uncover its phony nature.
Counterfeit dot made by consolidating various segments of another rudraksha dab, to shape one dot. Notice the focal round little gap and the sharp mukhi lines, which plainly uncover it as phony. Sold as 21 mukhi.

Fake Rudraksha From Nepal | Region of Maximum Fake Nepalese Rudraksha | How to Find Real Rudraksha Beads
Counterfeit globule made by sticking together areas of a few real rudraksha dots of lower mukhis. Sold as 14 mukhi in Kathmandu city of Nepal.Fake dots made by sticking together areas of a few veritable rudraksha globules of lower mukhis. Most ordinarily sold assortment. This is really a 3 confronted Oval globule of Indian root and not Nepalese. Different lines are handily wrecked leaving just one line. Bought from Haridwar for Rs 1100-Rs 3000. Can be recognized by sight.Fake 1 mukhi half-moon shape from China. It is generally sold in the market and breaks down on wearing and melts close to warm. The surface is hard and not woody. This is a seed with a handily cut line sold as a Rudraksha animal types dab. Can be recognized by sight because of the presence of smooth scales on the dab which is not normal for the prickly bulges on rudraksha dots. Normally offered covered in gold or silver to abstain from seeing the boring opening of the seed. Studies are proceeding to decide the types of this globule. Bought from a presumed ashram for Rs 11,500.An ordinarily sold assortment from Indonesia. These little bits of Rudraksha are stuck on four of the lines of a five mukhi dot accordingly leaving just a single profound line. Can be distinguished by dunking in boiling water for 2-3 hours. The other shrouded lines would appear in an alternate tone as the paste relax. Pieces chip off on ordinary wearing. Bought from Indonesia for $100.Another regularly sold assortment. This is a monster ball like piece normally given a solid sandalwood scent. Little bits of Rudraksha are stuck on seed and a line is cut remotely. Sent by a customer John bite of Singapore for confirmation purposes, which was bought by him for $500 from a Himalayan priest. Filled with palatable gum.
This is an artificially made globule sold as 1 mukhi in strict spots of India by side of the road sellers. Pictures show the top view and side view. Bought for Rs 10 subsequent to bartering. Can be distinguished by sight as it were.
Rudraksha Without any Power | Price Fraud In Rudraksha | Less Quality Rudraksha in Market
It is entirely expected to cut extra lines in a lower mukhi dot to make a higher mukhi globule that costs more. The sharp unnatural lines are obviously noticeable for an accomplished eye. ID is performed by checking for shading changes at the cut line, broken toward the beginning and end of cut lines, and sharpness of line. A characteristic mukhi line is somewhat bent and not sharp, henceforth experienced providers can distinguish. Counterfeit globules made via cutting additional lines. Normally 6,7 mukhis are changed to 8-12 mukhis with this cycle. Or on the other hand, 12 mukhis are changed to 14 mukhis and more with this.
Fake Mukhi also used for Rudraksha Mala | Japa Rudraksha Mala without Energy | Development of Fake Rudraksha Beads
Counterfeit mala of 108 + 1, 2 mukhi dabs. Bought in 1999, Indonesia. Presently generally sold all over India. Seeds of Ber tree which are shaded and sold as rudraksha dabs mala Can be distinguished by sight as no mukhis are visible.Fake mala of 108 + 1 many fewer globules Bought in 1988, Nepal. Counterfeit dabs cut out of betel nut. A technique generally used to make high mukhi dots up to 21 mukhi. Bought in 1998, Varanasi, India. Fake Trijuti produced using three Rudraksha globules ground and stuck together. Bought from Mumbai, India 1999. Fake Gauri Shankars produced using two Rudraksha dabs ground and stuck together. Bought from Mumbai, India 1999, and Nasik in 2001. The immature 3 Mukhi and 5 Mukhi Rudrakshas which are having just a single Mukh on the external surface. On observing the X-Beam photos of these globules one can see obviously that they have really 3 or 5 seeds inside. These kinds of Rudrakshas are accessible in Nepal for around USD 45. If it's not too much trouble note that these globules are totally common and no treating has been finished with the dab, yet these dabs can't be considered as Eka Mukhi Rudraksha in light of the fact that in X-Beam pictures the seeds inside these dabs are multiple.