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Significance of Yantra

The Yantra is a sacred geometry, a diagram which could be placed on a metal sheet, Tamrapatra (thin covering of tree’s bark), any cloth or any other thing. This geometry is sacred and hence brings auspiciousness in the surroundings. The real meaning of Yantra is Loom or Instrument of Machine. In actual practice, Yantra is a symbolic representation of divinity- The Mother of Goddess.

In other words, Yantra is an interlocking matrix of geometric figures, circles and triangles, forming fractal patterns of elegance and beauty.

Although Yantra is drawn in two dimensions, it is supposed to represent a three-dimensional sacred object. Presently, these three-dimensional Yantras are becoming common in the spiritual world.

Primarily, Yantra is known as the meditation tool for both spiritual seekers and sculptors. However, its Shakti is available to new seekers having sincere devotion and good intention. There is a specific process followed wherein Yantric artefacts are created in the wood, stone or metal; then a Yantra is drawn representing attributes of the God or Goddess, they wish to sculpt.

Engaging in intense meditation on the sculpt causes formation of the image to leap into mind's eye, leaving back the remarkable intensity. In many cases, traditional yantra-makers do not need to sketch before creating the image.

Yantras are not limited to only for career success or as a spiritual tool, but for various mundane activities that will enhance the overall quality of life quality. Using the right mantra and practising it spiritually will attract prosperity, abundance, love, promotes healing and money. Overall, your life will see a positive change with these Yantras.

Yantras are often considered as the divine representation of Goddess. However, this is not true, and is an understandable error of thoughts because these Yantras are connected to Goddess. One of these Yantras is famously known as Sri Yantra, an abstract representation of the mother as Cosmos.

However, the Sri Yantra is also misunderstood as the representation of the Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Fortune. It is more accurate to say the Sri Yantra transcends every notion of divinity conceived through the pantheons of deities. It relates to the Sanatana Dharma.

Yantras are not limited to Goddesses, but also related male deities like Lord Ganesha and Lord Kubera, sharing common Yaksha Origin with Goddess Lakshmi. These Yakshas are known as the chthonic deities in India, and Yantras are incorporated with the worldview at the later stage.

If you have a close look at these Yantras, you will find monosyllabic mantras, known as the Beeja or Seed, representing the form of Gods and Goddesses. Most of the designs in Yantras focus on the centre, which is usually a Dot or Bindu, representing Locus Mundi. This centre defines the manifested Potential of complete creation.

Other figures in Yantras symbolizes various stages of creation. Thus, every Yantra you come across is a symbolic representation of deity and the universe. This representation makes Yantras the purest form of the divine. The mother Goddess, represented in Yantras, is the universe in itself.

However, the abstract geometric representing the universe does not mean a deity but is called as Mandalas. Every Yantra you wear is itself a Mandala, but not all Mandalas are Yantra. There is a thin line of difference between the two. According to old texts, Lord Shiva has explained the mystical meaning of Yantras to Goddess Parvati. According to Shiva, “Yantras are essential for lords, like oil for oil lamps and body for a human.”

Every Yantra constructed undergoes immutable laws of sacred geometry, and is the symbolic representation of energy patterns. They rank among the most potent devices for harnessing divine energies in us. Yantra is considered the most powerful tool than the image of God itself. This is because the image requires Yantra to energize it. Every Yantra comes with a Mantra. Just as the mind is a part of the body, Mantra and Yantra are part of each. Mantra is a mind consciousness, while Yantra is the form of deity.

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