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2. Puja as per purposesPuja for Planetary Doshas & Nakshtra Doshas

Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja-OPS-11-26-A
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Product Options
Rs 10100/- $ 120 USD 4 Siddh Priests for 1 Day Siddh Puja
No. of Chants - 11000
Time - 9 AM to 7 PM (10 Hours)
Rs 20000/- $ 238 USD 7 Siddh Priests for 1 Day Siddh Puja
No. of Chants - 21000
Time - 9 AM to 7 PM (10 Hours)
Rs 40000/- $ 476 USD 7 Siddh Priests for 3 Days Siddh Puja
No. of Chants - 51000
Time - 9 AM to 7 PM (10 Hours Daily)
Rs 75000/- $ 893 USD 9 Siddh Priests for 5 Days Siddh Puja
No. of Chants - 125000
Time - 9 AM to 7 PM (10 Hours Daily)
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Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja | भरणी नक्षत्र शांति पूजा | Shaligram Shala

Bharani Nakshatra Mantra
नक्षत्र : भरणी
वेद मंत्र:-
ॐ यमायत्वा मखायत्वा सूर्य्यस्यत्वा तपसे देवस्यत्वा सवितामध्वा
नक्तु पृथ्विया स गवं स्पृशस्पाहिअर्चिरसि शोचिरसि तपोसी।
नक्षत्र देवता नाममंत्र:- ॐ यमाय् नमः l
नक्षत्र नाम मंत्र:- ॐ अपभरणीभ्यो नमःl

Bharani Nakshatra Gayatri Mantra in English -
Om Yamaya Twa Makhaya Twa Suryasya Twa
Tapase Devastwa Savita Madhwa Navatu |
Prithivya Samsprisspahi Archirasi Souchirasi Taposi ||

Nakshatra Devata Mantra - Om Yamaya Namah ||
Nakshatra Nama Mantra - Om Apabharnibhyo Namah||

Bharani nakshatra is the 2nd among the 27 nakshatras. Our Puja services conduct Vedic puja for Bharani Nakshatra in order to pacify the malefic effects of Bharani Nakshatra in a horoscope. One can also perform Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja in order to gain benefits from Bharani Nakshatra in a horoscope. Bharani is ruled by Yamraj (Yama) who is the God of Death. Performing this ritual has the power to take things away (Apa Bharani shakti). To know more about the Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja i.e. Child Birth in Bharani Nakshatra, Effects of Bharani Nakashtra, Puja Vidhi and much more you should scroll below the article.

Bharani Nakshatra - 1 to 4 Pada

In Bharani Nakshatra planet Saturn (Shani Grah) reaches its maximum debilitation. Basically Bharani is the warm place of creativity & fertility, whereas Saturn is a cold planet of obstruction & delay. Planets except Saturn usually do well with this nakshatra and Planet Venus has a refined placement in the chart. People of Bharani Nakshatra have a creative urge inside them which includes babysitters, nannies, nursery school teachers & other professions involving children, volcanic & earthquake experts, geophysicists, biologists & microbiologists, cooks, caterers, hoteliers, seed & fertilizer industry, motorsports, film & entertainment industry, photographers, models etc.

1st Pada (First Quarter): In the 1st Pada of Bharani Nakshatra Sun, Mars & Jupiter are especially strong. Here the planets can be extremely self-centric and can often offend others without meaning to. The first quarter of this Nakshatra has the inherent will power and drive to achieve the aim.

2nd Pada (Second Quarter): Here in this Nakshatra planets Mercury, Mars and Rahu are better suited for giving good results. Here its emphasis on service and hard work and planets function in an altruistic way. A certain degree of organization can also be seen even in the chaotic & typically extreme Bharani mode.

3rd Pada (Second Quarter): In the 3rd Pada of this Nakshatra planet Mercury, Venus & Rahu are best suited for utilizing the energies of this quarter. Here, there is no sense of any limit when it comes to sex and relationships, which can be either a good thing or a bad thing it totally depends upon the evolutionary level of a person. As it is a Pushkara navamsa pada it allows for the fulfilment of desires.

4th Pada (Fourth Quarter): The 4th Pada of Bharani Nakshatra can be a highly inventive and original pada if its explosive energy can be channelled properly. Here Sun, Mars & Ketu are strong but it may not always give results in your favour. In order to utilize the energies of this pada in a wise and non-self-destructive way, Jupiter and Venus are suited.

Child Birth in Bharani Nakshatra

The Bharani Nakshatra affects the birth of a child which are 1st Pada, 2 Pada, 3 Pada and 4 Pada. Among all the four-quarter the third quarter (3 Pada) of Bharani is very harmful to Mother, Father and the child. The child who was born in Bharani Nakshatra must perform the Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja.

Basic information about Bharani Birth Star

Bharani nakshatra is related to the intrinsic feminine attributes of nature and its ability to create, nurture, bear and destroy. The planetary lord of this Nakshatra is Venus. The characteristics of Bharani Nakshatra are to adopt or resort to the path of extremities.

The natives born under Bharani nakshatra are generally concerned and they call for judicious and effective guidance whereby they can lead to their creative energy to fruitful accomplishments. People who were born in Bharani Nakshatra will be successful at work, truthful, free from diseases, capable and free from grief. They are more determined, truthful, happy, healthy and skillful as compared to others.

Ruler: Venus
Symbol: Yoni
Deity: Yama
Varna: Kshatriya
Gana: Manushya
Ayurvedic classification: Pitta
Element: Earth
Alphabets: Lee, Lu, Lay, Lo

Benefit of Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja

-This Puja enhances inner strength and confidence to give favorable results.
- it determines the thought process, destiny, instinct and controls the subconscious aspects.
- Helps in attaining mental state and also plays a role in luck.
- Give liberation and devotional service.
- It Promotes spiritual growth.

Spiritual Benefit of Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja

- For radiance, power, and success.
- Puja removes ignorance, obstacles, and difficulties.
- for enhanced peace and harmony.

Health Benefit of Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja

- Worshippers get relief from diseases, difficulties and dangers.
- Prevents mental & physical diseases.
- Boosts immunity & bestows longevity.
- It also gives concentration & peace of mind.
- It is also beneficial for the removal of obstacles.
- One should keep this yantra for good health and prosperity.
- It removes the pain and suffering.

Shaligram Shala Offers the Best Puja & Yagna Services in the World

Worlds First ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization for Puja & Yagna Services. Shaligram Shala Puja and Yagna Services is the most trusted brand for online Hindu pujas and yajna services provider. Our Managing Director of Shaligram Shala Sh. Rajeev Krishna Dasa who is Initiated in Gaudiya Sampradaya has been performing very big pujas like Ati Rudra Puja with 108 priests, Laksh Chandi puja and Yagna with 1100 priests, Satchandi Yagna, Ganesha Laxmi Saraswati pujas, Laxmi Narayana Pujas, Shiva Durga Pujas, Sudarshana Homam, Dasha Mahavidya Pujas, Nav Durga pujas, Navagraha poojas etc.

We are conducting all Vedic and Tantrik pujas at our Shaligram Shala premises at Neelkanth Business Park, Vidyavihar West Mumbai since last 20 years for Indian and overseas devotees. Till date, Rajeev Krishna Prabhuji under his supervision has performed more than 5000 pujas in the last 5 years. Shaligram Shala Puja and Yajna Services and Puja services perform all types of Hindu Vedic and Tantric pujas in India and other parts of the world such as UK, USA, Japan, Europe, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand etc.

Why Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja from Shaligram Shala

Our pujas are conducted strictly as per ancient Vedic rituals in our temple, installed in self-owned premises by well-versed learned Karmakandi priests from Shivkashi temple with the live streaming facility on Skype/ whatsapp vedio call and we welcome you to visit our center for participate in the Pujas personally. You can book online Puja or contact us for Puja service. You may log into Skype and take Sankalpa online with the Pundits and see your Puja being conducted in our Puja Mandir at Shaligram Shala Mandir premises.

Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja by Shaligram Shala

Bharani Nakshatra Shanti Puja by Shaligram Shala Puja & Yagna Services includes Kalash Sthapana, Panchang Sthapana(Gauri Ganesh, Punyavachan, Shodash Matrika, Navgraha, Sarvotabhadra), 64 yogini Pujan, Shetrapal Pujan, Swasti Vachan, Sankalpa, Ganesh Pujan and Abhishek, Navgraha Pujan and 108 chants of each planetary mantra, Invocation of major Gods and Goddesses in Kalash, Yantra Puja, chants of Mantra, Havan, Aarti, Pushpaanjali and Brahmin Bhojan.

Charity After Performing Puja Rituals

It is very important and mandatory to do charity for the poor people, animals and birds for the success of the puja ritual being performed. After performing the puja ritual Shaligram Shala Puja & Yagna Services gives charity on the behalf of the devotees. Following items will be donated to the poor & needy persons on the behalf of devotees whose puja ritual has been done. Few of the items will be donated to the temple and few items will be offered to the animals & birds as per the Hindu Shastras on the behalf of devotees to obtain the Satkarma and increase the power of this puja ritual. This charity helps in getting favorable results and wish fulfillment of the devotee very soon.

1. Gemstones
2. Grains
3. Fruits
4. Feed to Animals or Birds
5. Donate Clothes (Chunari & other clothes)
6. Dakshina (money)
7. Brahman Bhoj (1 Priests or more)
8. Give ash of Havan to the temple of particular God & Goddess and then parcel it to the devotees along with puja tokri
9. Donate Shankh/ Kaudi/ anything collected from the ocean
10. Donate Metal

Sankalpa Being Taken by Rajeev Krishna Dasa

Each Puja Sankalpa has been taken elaborately by Sh. Rajeev Krishna (founder of in English and Hindi so that devotees amply clear that for what purpose the particular puja is being conducted. One instruction sheet is sent wherein all the instructions are written in detail which are the number of priests, number of chants, Sankalpa, mantra, etc. Mr Rajeev Krishna can be contacted at 9322646420 / 9322646421 for listening to the Sankalpa. He will also briefly discuss your horoscope and guide you in the best possible way.

Pujas are performed by the highly qualified and SIDDHA priests at Shaligram Shala Puja Services

Shaligram Shala Puja and Yajna Services have a team of highly qualified M.A., PhD. (Sanskrit) priests and most distinguished Brahmins (Acharyas and Shastries who are well-read and have studied Vedas, Upnishads, Puranas, Tantras and Karmkand in its entirety and depth. These priests have post graduated from the Kashi and are well trained in performing all the Pujas as per Vedic, Tantrik and Karmakand rituals. These priests from Kashi have been performing very big pujas for the last 10 to 20 years. It may be noted that the priests performing the various pujas at Shaligram Puja and Yajna Services are SIDDHA priests who have done japa of a particular mantra for much more than 14 Lakh times and hence the same mantras chanted by them has manifold times more effect than the mantras chanted by the normal priests.

How do you ensure that puja is really done for you or not?

- Mr Rajeev Krishna takes puja Sankalpa on the behalf of the devotee before starting puja by either connecting with the devotee on WhatsApp or the recorded Sankalpa is sent to devotee by WhatsApp after the Sankalpa is taken but while the puja is still in progress.
- Devotees can also be connected to us by Skype or Whatsapp to hear the Sankalpa (devotees must send your skype id or WhatsApp number at the time of booking of puja).
- Small video clipping of Abhishekam of the main deity (or pradhan god) will be sent to you on WhatsApp while the puja is still in progress.
- The video clipping of mantra chanting by priests will be sent during the puja ritual.
- Video clipping of Yajna being performed will also be sent to you while the yajna is in progress.
- A video clipping of the fire pattern will be sent on your WhatsApp, that will emerge while doing the yajna. These fire patterns are indications of how well the overall puja has gone. In the fire patterns of the Yajna, we can clearly see how the Gods are taking the offerings of the yajna.
- Short Video clipping of Arti will be sent to you after the Yajna is over.
- The blessing of pundits (Ashirvad) will be sent at the end of the puja and thereafter the prasad is distributed.
- You can opt for the DVD of the puja if you are not able to attend the puja personally for the additional charges of Rs. 1500/-. This DVD will be for 2 hours approx. and it will contain the main aspects of the puja rituals like Sankalpa, Abhishekam, yajna, patterns of fire flames during yajna and Arti.
- You can also book the puja with the option of live streaming of puja with Rs 2500/- additional charges. Here we shall show you the entire puja ritual.

How do you ensure that the correct number of Japas is being really done by the priests for you or not?

Shaligram Shala puja and Yajna services ensure that each priest takes a Sankalp before starting the puja with betel leaf, betel nut, flower and small qty. of rice. Since all priests are Kashi trained and are initiated, hence once the Sankalpa is taken individually by them, they are bound to complete the stated number Japas positively. In the case of most of the other websites doing pujas, normally all pundits avoid taking such kind of Sankalp and there is a strong likelihood that they do not complete the stated Japa. Hence the positive effect of the puja will not be experienced by the devotee.

Associated Chakra Planet & Products

If the above Puja & Yagna is performed along with the following items, the power of Puja increases manifolds times more. If you buy any of these items, we shall energize that item during your puja so that these will give you very good results. We will energize and also do Abhimantram of that item.

Chakra - Hritpadma, Anantgandha is balanced by performing this puja. Chakra is seven centers of religious energy in the human body. Chakras are the circular vortexes of power that are situated in seven different points on the spinal column, and all the seven chakras are related to the different organs and glands within the body. These chakras are responsible for disturbing life energy.

Planet - Venus or Shukra is associated with this Puja & Yagna. According to the Vedic astrology, all the nine planets in your horoscope (Kundali) affect the course of life i.e. marriage, career, health, finances etc. The movement of these planets in the horoscope forms yogas or doshas (negative influences). Due to these Navagraha doshas, people face various obstacles & hindrances in their life. In order to minimize and negate the malefic doshas or malefic influence of these planets, we perform various Pujas & Yagnas.

Shaligram - Kuber Shaligram & Maha Laxmi Shaligram can be worshipped along with this Puja & Yagna and it gives very good results. The Shaligram is a natural stone that is Lord Vishnu itself. Shaligram is a Blackstone brought from Gandaki river-beds in the Muktinath area of Nepal. Shalagram Shila is also known as Salagram/ Shalagram/ Saligram Sila. Shaligram worshipped in the temple as well as in the houses. Shaligram is a fossilized shell used in South Asia as an iconic symbol and very form of Lord Vishnu. They are typically in the form of spherical, black-colored and smooth in nature. We offer a pure array of Shri Shalagram. Its origination place is also likewise of Sankha, Moti or Gomati Chakra which are Aquatic States. Shalagram is a Blackstone brought from Gandaki river, there is a big place called Shalagram and these Shalagram are hundreds of years old.

Rudraksha - 7 Mukhi and 13 Mukhi is also worshipped along with this Puja & Yagna. By doing so the power of Puja & Yagna increases manifolds times more. Shaligram Shala offers certified Rudraksh sourced from Nepal & Java (Indonesia). These Rudraksh Beads are genuine & real and can work as a cure for a wide variety of diseases including chronic headaches, allergies & skin problems, backaches & digestive problems, depression & insomnia and also several kinds of emotional problems. You can purchase online Rudraksha, Shaligram, gemstones, Vastu products, Puja & Yagnas, meditation accessories, bracelets, Malas and spiritual books & CDs.

Gemstone - Wearing Opal gemstone along with this Puja & Yagna gives results quickly. Gemstones also known as gems, precious stones, semi-precious stones, Vedic gemstones, Jyotish gemstones are one of the most beautiful & exotic minerals with elegant appearance & color. Gems or Gemstones Jewelleries are extensively used for healing and self-empowerment. There are different types of gems with different prices. The price of gemstones depends on the quality of minerals & availability.

Murtis & Idols - You should also worship Kuber Murtis & Mahalaxmi murtis or idols along with the Puja & Yagna. is one of the leading websites which deals in very high quality and rare Murtis & Idols made of makrana marbles & brass. The Pranpratisthit Murtis are actual live Murties and bestow the devotee with longevity, protection against sudden accidents and thefts.

Yantra - Worshipping Shukra Yantra along with the above puja gives accurate results. Yantra established the vibration of large resonance or amplitude with the benefic energy of cosmos. These vibrations generate contact with highly elevated energies and help to enhance the spirituality within and attain spiritual course of conduct in our daily lives. It also increases the intensity of prayer & makes our thoughts more influential & strong.

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