Mystic Crystal | Powerful Natural Mystic Crystals | Shaligram Shala
The earth is revered as Mother Earth, Bhumi Maa, because of its giving nature. The layers of the earth produce inorganic chemical compounds. Numerous naturally occurring minerals which are inorganic solids that have a characteristic chemical composition and specific crystalline structure are found on Earth, formed by geological processes, which take thousands of years to form into Crystals. In simple lines we can say, chemicals, heat, pressure, time, and space combine in the right measure and that is how Mystic Crystal are formed. What type of Mystic Crystal is going to form depends on the compound mix, the time, and pressure to form. It is said some crystals are as old as the Universe, having formed millions of years before humans came into being. So the next time you hold a Mystic Crystal in your hand, it just might be the oldest one.