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Sacred Chakradhari Mahavishnu

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Mahavishnu Shaligram | Chakradhari Mahavishnu | Benefits of Vishnu Shaligram

As per Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram (Sloka-1)
viśvaṁ viṣṇurvaṣaṭkārō bhūtabhavyabhavatprabhuḥ |
bhūtakṛdbhūtabhṛdbhāvō bhūtātmā bhūtabhāvanaḥ || 1 ||

Vishnuh - The term Vishnu is dissolved as Veveshti Vyaapnoti iti Vishnuh-That which pervades every- where is Vishnu. That which has the nature of pervasiveness is Vishnu. He is the one who pervades all and nothing ever pervades Him. Eesaavaasyam Idam Sarvam-All this is indwelt, pervaded by the Lord. This very same idea is described in the typical style of the Puranas, in the incarnation of the Lord as Vaamana, the short-boy, who, with His three feet, measured the entire universe. Because of this act, the Lord got the name Vishnu, says Mahaabhaarata. Vishnu Purana (3-1) says: The root Vis means to enter. The entire world of things and beings is pervaded by Him and the Upanishad emphatically insists in its mantra whatever that is there is the world of change. Hence it means that He is not limited by space (Desa), time (Kaala) or substance (Vastu).
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Sarvottam Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Maha-AUCCM1006
Size: 4.6cm x 4.5cm x 1.6cm
Color: Jet Black
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 3600/-   43 USD
Rs 7200/-   86 USD
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Chakradhari Maha Vishnu Garuda Maha Vaikuntha Indra Airavat (Elephant)-EXCCM1...
Size: 6.5cm x 5.5cm x 5cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
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Sacred Adwaitya Golden Kamal Laxmi Shankh Chakradhari Chaturbhuj Maha Vishnu Kurma Dev Samudramanth...
Size: 5.5cm x 4.5cm x 2cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
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Sacred Adwaitya Surya Laxmi Ganesha Dhanvantri Golden Padma Chakradhari Chaturbhuj Mahavishnu-EXCCM1...
Size: 6.9cm x 4.9cm x 4.4cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
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Sacred Adwaitya Golden Shweta Kamal Chakradhari Chaturbhuj Mahavishnu Vaikuntha-EXCCM1016...
Size: 6.7cm x 6.2cm x 4.4cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
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Sacred Adwaitya Shesha Laxmi Garuda Golden Chakradhari Chaturbhuj Mahavishnu-EXCCM1018 ...
Size: 5cm x 4.5cm x 3.5cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 36000/-   429 USD
Rs 72000/-   858 USD
Sacred Adwaitya 12 Chakradhari Virat Mahavishnu-EXCCM1019
Size: 4.3cm x 3cm x 2.5cm
Color: Jet Black
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Sacred adwaitya Kamal laxmi Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Mahavishnu-EXCCM1021
Size: 6.2cm x 3cm x 3cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 36000/-   429 USD
Rs 72000/-   858 USD
Sacred adwaitya Golden Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Kamal Laxmi Mahavishnu Vaikuntha-EXCCM1023...
Size: 8.2cm x 5.8cm x 3.5cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 51000/-   607 USD
Rs 102000/-   1214 USD
Adwaitya Golden Kamal Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Maha Vishnu-EXCCM1028
Size: 7.2cm x 4.5cm x 3.5cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 45000/-   536 USD
Rs 90000/-   1072 USD
Sacred Adwaitya Kamal Laxmi Bhairav Narsimha Golden Laxmi Maha Ganesha Chakradhari-EXCCM1037...
Size: 5.8cm x 4.8cm x 3.2cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 167475/-   1994 USD
Rs 334950/-   3988 USD
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Kamal Mahavishnu-EXCCM1073
Size: 6.5cm x 5cm x 2.5cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
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Sacred Adwaitya Golden Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Mahavishnu Ugra Narsimha Giri Goverdhan-EXCCM1078...
Size: 6.2cm x 4.5cm x 2.8cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 75000/-   893 USD
Rs 150000/-   1786 USD
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Kamal Laxmi Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Mahavishnu-EXCCM1079...
Size: 9cm x 8.2cm x 3.2cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 75000/-   893 USD
Rs 150000/-   1786 USD
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Shesha Chakradhari Chatrabhuj Maha Vishnu-EXCCM1088...
Size: 7cm x 6cm x 2cm
Color: Jet Black
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Sacred Adwaitya Laxmi Shankh Sudarshan Golden Chakradhari Chatrabhuj Maha Vishnu- EXCCM1090...
Size: 6.1cm x 4.2cm x 1.2cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 75000/-   893 USD
Rs 150000/-   1786 USD
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Sudarshan Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Maha Vishnu-EXCCM1091...
Size: 6.5cm x 5.3cm x 3.5cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
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Adwaitya Golden Kamal Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Mahavishnu Kalki Mahadev-EXCCM1092...
Size: 5cm x 3.5cm x 2.5cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 45000/-   536 USD
Rs 90000/-   1072 USD
Adwaitya Laxmi Ganesha Golden Kamal Golden Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Mahavishnu Damodara-EXCCM1093...
Size: 6cm x 4.8cm x 4.5cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 51000/-   607 USD
Rs 102000/-   1214 USD
Sacred Double Golden Kamal Santan Gopal Matsya Chaturbhuj Chakradhari Mahavishnu-EXCCM1094...
Size: 7.7cm x 4.5cm x 3cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 51000/-   607 USD
Rs 102000/-   1214 USD
Adwaitya Shweta Kamal Golden Bhairav Golden Chakradhari Chaturbhuj Maha Vishnu Hayagriva Vaikuntha-E...
Size: 9cm x 7cm x 3.2cm
Color: Jet Black & Golden
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 75000/-   893 USD
Rs 150000/-   1786 USD
Sacred Adwaitya Vaman Laxmi Shesha Chakradhari Chaturbhuj Mahavishnu-EXCCM1097...
Size: 8.5cm x 6.5cm x 2.8cm
Color: Jet Black
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 36000/-   429 USD
Rs 72000/-   858 USD
Sacred Adwaitya Kaal Bhirav Surya Laxmi Sudarshan Shesha Ananta padmanabha Chatur Bhuj Chakradhari-E...
Size: 5.5cm x 4.5cm x 1.5cm
Color: Brown & Jet Black
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 51000/-   607 USD
Rs 102000/-   1214 USD
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Chakradhari Mahavishnu

Chaturbhujah One who has four hands. It is famous that Maha Vishnu has four hands and they carry the Conch, the Discus, the Mace, and the Lotus. According to the Puranas, these four are used by the Lord in maintaining Dharma among mankind. The Conch calls man to the righteous path that directly leads to Peace and Perfection, the Divine Vishnupada. Very many of us in the enchantment of the immediate sense-joys refuse to listen to the small inner voice of conscience, the sound of the Panchajanya-conch, and so He wields the Mace and we come to suffer small calamities and tragic jerks in our smooth existence -communal, social or national. If still the individual is not listening to the call of the Conch, the wheel-of-time, Chakra annihilates the entire. The call and the punishment are all only to take man towards his Ultimate Goal, represented by the Lotus in His hand. Subjectively Vishnu is the Self within, who manifests as the four-armed subtle-body to serve as the Eesa of the gross physical structure, in all its actions and protect it with existence.

Chakradhari Mahavishnu Shaligram | Vishnu Shaligram

The Shila has beautiful golden Sudershan Chakra impressions at the base of the Shila. It is considered the most powerful Shaligram and works like a shield and drives evil away. Wherever the Lord Vishnu is present Lakshmi automatically comes to stay there. The beholder remains always free from any legal cases. Mahavishnu Shaligram is one of the very powerful Shaligrama and it should be worshipped with utmost devotion. This Shila is very exotic, powerful, extremely attractive, brilliant, auspicious, emits very high radiance and has extraordinarily high energy levels. The Shila is extremely smooth, perfectly shaped, lustrous, small sized, cold to touch, and has flawless impressions.

Benefits of Chakradhari Mahavishnu Shaligram

- One who sees the Chaturbhuj Mahavishnu Shaligram gets eternal peace.
- The worshipper gets rid of fear of ghosts, snakes and evil spirits.
- The beholder of Vishnu Shaligram remains always free from any legal cases.
- This Shila brings immense endurance, perseverance and the individual creates wealth at a very high pace through innovation, professionalism, creativity and immense good luck.
- Presence of this Shila also increases charisma and attraction tremendously.