The conch shell is a major Hindu article of prayer, used as a trumpet and in order to get rid of negative energy and evil spirits. It is also used as a container for holy water ( shankha teertham ). The shankha (conch shell) mudra is also used during various tantric rituals and meditation. Shankha is considered to be one of the most auspicious objects that emerged from the sea during the Ksheera Sagara Samudra Manthan.
Each hindu shankha has a specific name. Vishnus shankha is called Panchajanya . It is believed that when it is blown, it announces the victory of good over evil. In the epic war, Mahabharata, the conch shell held a significant place. Arjunas shankha was called Devdutta , Bhimas Paundra, Yudhisthiras Anantavijaya, Nakulas Sughosa and Sahadevas was known as Manipushpaka.
The sacred conch shell is an integral part of Hindu symbolic and religious tradition. Even today, all Hindus use the conch as a part of their religious practices. Whenever the conch shell is blown, it is said to purify the environment from all evil effects.
Religious Significance of White Shanka
In Indian mythology, the Shankha is regarded sacred and very auspicious. To initiate religious ceremonies, a shankha (conch shell) is blown. It is a major Hindu article of prayer. God Vishnu, the God of Preservation, is shown with a shankha in one hand and a disc or a chakra in the other.Each hindu shankha has a specific name. Vishnus shankha is called Panchajanya . It is believed that when it is blown, it announces the victory of good over evil. In the epic war, Mahabharata, the conch shell held a significant place. Arjunas shankha was called Devdutta , Bhimas Paundra, Yudhisthiras Anantavijaya, Nakulas Sughosa and Sahadevas was known as Manipushpaka.
The sacred conch shell is an integral part of Hindu symbolic and religious tradition. Even today, all Hindus use the conch as a part of their religious practices. Whenever the conch shell is blown, it is said to purify the environment from all evil effects.