Shaligram Sangraha is a set of Shaligrams (collection of Shaligrams) whose collective radiance can help the devotee in fulfilling his specific wish in no time. This set or collection of specific Shaligrams to fulfill one specific need of the devotee is mentioned in the Hari Bhakta Vilasa khand of Skanda Purana. Since the Sangrahas are in set their energies multiply manifold times and devotees get the result extremely fast. If I say, as a devotee, my specific need is to address my health issues. So I will choose Divya Param Swasthya Sangraha of "Shaligram Health Collection". The Shaligrams which form the part of this collection or set are mentioned in the Skanda Purana. Now this collection is made as per the directives of Skanda Purana in terms of which all Shaligrams will form this Sangraha or Collection, how they should be placed and how these should be worshipped. The Shaligram Shila products are delivered to the customers after proper energization & pran pratishtha. Therefore all the devotees are requested to forward their date, time & place of birth while ordering this divine shila so that the proper energization & pran pratishtha could be done on their names before the dispatch of the product.
The Skanda Purana specifies that all specific Shaligrams if worshipped blesses the devotee with very good health. So in case of Shaligram Health Collections, as per Skanda Purana, we have a combination of 6 Shaligrams which are Shivalingam, Surya, Mahavishnu, Shiv Nabh, Garud and Dhanvantri Shaligrams. Please note that these all Shaligrams as an individual bestow the devotees with a very good health. Now if they combine their energies, the effect will multiply manifold times to achieve a very good health. So it is always advisable to worship a Shaligram Sangraha to achieve a specific goal / wish then to worship one single Shaligram.
Significance of Shaligram | Why Worship Saligram Sangrah
These Shaligram Shilas are genuinely from the Kali Gandaki river. Salagram Shila had huge respect and importance. Each Shaligram has its own identity with their positive effects. Salagram is found along with lord Vishnu chakra, Sankh, Gadha, Hole, big, small size, round, oval. Some Salagram found with one chakra(single circle marks), Some with two chakras, three chakras to unlimited beautiful chakra marks. Each Chakra has its own value and is described as a different name and form of lord Vishnu. Unlimited chakra is known as Lord Vishnu Anantha Narayan. One chakra is described as Sudarshana Salagram likewise for the rest number of Salagram denotes Lord Vishnu each name whose name is described in Vishnu Puran (Hindu religious Script). Salagram is also found with different marks and appearance.
Ingredients required for abhishek procedure of Shaligram Shila
- Panchgavya (Water, Milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey)
- Any one Fruit Juice (Coconut water, Ganne ka Ras, Anar Juice)
Abhishek Procedure of Shaligram Shila
Devotees can do abhishek of Shaligram Shila once or twice a week as per convenience and the detailed of abhishek procedure of Shaligram Shila is given below
- Bath Shaligram Stone with water
- Offer all abhishekam liquid one by one which are Panchgavya (Water, Milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey) and any one Fruit Juice (Coconut water, Ganne ka Ras, Anar Juice)
- Now wipe off Shaligram Shila with a clean cloth and place it on pedestal
Ingredients required for Worship procedure of Shaligram Shila
- gandaki river water/ gangajal
- clean cloth
- sandal paste
- tulsi leaf
- Dhoop & Agarbatti
- sweet, fruits and other eatable
- a picture of deity related to Shaligram Shila
Worship Procedure of Shaligram Shila
- First of all place the Shaligram Shila on a metal plate
- Sit facing east direction
- Bath the Shaligram Shila with gandaki river water/ gangajal
- Wipe it off with clean cloth
- Apply tika of sandal paste on the Shaligram Shila and place one tulsi leaf on the Shaligra Shila so the tulsi rests on the Shaligram Shila nicely
- Chant mantra of god/ goddess
- Show Dhoop/ Agarbatti to Shaligram Shila
- Offer some sweet, fruits and other eatable to the Shaligram Shila
- Speak out your wish loudly in front of the Shaligram Shila
Why Buy Shaligram Shila From Shaligram Shala
The Shaligram products are delivered to the customers after proper energization & pran pratishtha. Therefore all the devotees are requested to forward their date, time & place of birth while ordering Shaligram Shila, so that the proper energization & pran pratishtha could be done on their names before the dispatch of the Shaligram.