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ParadParad Shivling
Parad Shivling

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Parad Shivlingam | Buy Certified & Lab Tested Parad Shivling | Lab Tested Parad Shivaling with Certificate | Original Parad Shivling | Parad Shivaling Benefits | What is Parad Shivling | Buy Best Quality Parad Items

Parad also is known as solidified mercury is considered to be one of the purest forms of Shivling or Lord Shiva or Shivlingam. People believed that having Parad Shivling (Mercury Shivling) is equivalent to the performing Puja/ Worship of 12 Jyotirlingas (12 ज्योतिर्लिंग). According to the ancient Vedic texts, it is believed that even by touching the energized Parad Shivling, ones sins are removed. The Parad products are delivered to the customers after proper energization & pran pratishtha. Therefore all the devotees are requested to forward their date, time & place of birth while ordering Parad Shivling, so that the proper energization & pran pratishtha could be done on their names before the dispatch of the Parad Shivling.

Categories of Parad >>
Parad Shivlinga With Silver Coating-PRDSH02
Size: 6.1cm x 3.6cm
Color: Sliver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 13100/-   156 USD
Rs 26200/-   312 USD
Parad Shivlinga Without Silver Coating-PRDSH03
Size: 4.4cm x 2.9cm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 7200/-   86 USD
Rs 14400/-   172 USD
Parad Shivlinga-PRDSH04
Size: 3.4cm x 2cm x 2cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 15000/-   179 USD
Rs 30000/-   358 USD
Parad Shivlinga-PRDSH05
Size: 4.4cm x 2.9cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 21000/-   250 USD
Rs 42000/-   500 USD
Parad Lingam-120gms-PRDSH06
Size: 4.2cm x 2.1cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 6000/-   71 USD
Rs 12000/-   142 USD
Parad Lingam-150gms-PRDSH07
Size: 4.3cm x 2.4cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 7200/-   86 USD
Rs 14400/-   172 USD
Parad Lingam-200gms-PRDSH08
Size: 4.8cm x 2.8cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 10000/-   119 USD
Rs 20000/-   238 USD
Parad Lingam-1.06Kg-PRDSH09
Size: 8.3cm x 4.5cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 90100/-   1073 USD
Rs 180200/-   2146 USD
Parad Lingam-1.14Kg-PRDSH10
Size: 8.4cm x 4.8cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 96900/-   1154 USD
Rs 193800/-   2308 USD
Parad Lingam-2.96Kg-PRDSH11
Size: 11cm x 6.3cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 251600/-   2995 USD
Rs 503200/-   5990 USD
Parad Lingam-10.8Kg-PRDSH12
Size: 16cm x 10cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 918000/-   10929 USD
Rs 1836000/-   21858 USD
Parad Shivlinga Without Coating-PRDSH15
Size: 2.2cm x 4.2cm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 6000/-   71 USD
Rs 12000/-   142 USD
Parad Shivlinga Without Silver Coating-PRDSH17
Size: 6.1cm x 3.6cm
Color: Silver
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 13100/-   156 USD
Rs 26200/-   312 USD
Parad Shivlinga With Silver Coating-PRDSH18
Size: 4.4cm x 2.9cm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 7200/-   86 USD
Rs 14400/-   172 USD
Parad Shivlinga With Silver Coating-PRDSH19
Size: 2.2cm x 4.2cm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 6000/-   71 USD
Rs 12000/-   142 USD
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Manufacturing of Certified & Lab Tested Parad Shivling

Parad, also known as solidified mercury, is made with 8 Samkaras. As per the Parad Sanmhita, eight Samskars are the 8 stages of purification. Parad purification is done through medicated & hygienic removal of Sapta-kanchuki (where all poisonous material inside Parad is removed). While making the Siddha Parad the mouth of mercury is closed with a special technology called as Aghor Vidhya & Badhha/ Agnibadha. The Aghor Vidhya & Badhha/ Agnibadha are the heat sustaining properties of Parad. In this method of making Parad, Parad is to be cleansed using 108 rare herbs. Parad is put in these herbs individually for a certain period of time (mentioned in the Parad Samhita). This Parad is used to make Siddh Parad Gutika, Siddh Parad Shiva Lingam & Siddh Parad Murtis/ Parad Collection etc. The Parad Gutika gives 24 Ras & 5 Tatva which removes all the diseases from our body. Thus Parad products by Shaligram Shala are much much more powerful than the Parad products made by other suppliers.

How to Maintain the Parad Items

Parad get oxidises after reacting with the atmospheric oxygen. So we need to clean the Parad Shivalingam, beads and all other items made of the Parad. We need to every alternate day clean the Parad item with fresh lemon. Just rub the lemon on the surface of Parad bead every alternate day. The bead will start shining. Then clean it with a water and wipe it off with clean cloth. Now it is ready to worship or wear. There will be no markings left anywhere in the shivalingam or if worn in the body.

प्राचीन वैदिक ग्रंथों (Ancient Vedic Texts) के अनुसार पारद शिवलिंग / पारद के शिवलिंग को स्वयंभू भोलेनाथ / भगवान शिव का प्रतिनिधि माना गया है। पारद शिवलिंग (Parad Shivling) को "महालिंग" की उपाधि मिली है | इस शिवलिंग में शिव की समस्त शक्तियों का वास मानते हुए पारद से बने शिवलिंग (also known as Solidified Mercury Shivling) को सम्पूर्ण शिवालय की भी मान्यता मिली है ।

Importance & Significance of Certified & Lab Tested Parad Shivling

पारद शिवलिंग के दर्शन मात्र से समस्त परेशानियों का अंत हो जाता है। इसका पूजन (Parad Shivling Worship) करने से कई जन्मों के पापों का उद्धार हो जाता है तथा संसार के समस्त द्वेषों से मुक्ति मिल जाती है। ऐसे शिवलिंग को समस्त शिवलिंगों में सर्वोच्च स्थान मिला हुआ है और इसका यथाविधि पूजन करने से शारीरिक, मानसिक, तामसिक तथा अन्य कई विकृतियां स्वतः ही समाप्त हो जाती हैं। It is recommended by our sages to adore and worship Parad Shivling, this leads them to be infused with extraordinary valor, invincibility, adding to their fame and popularity far and wide-spreading almost over the whole world. Parad Shivling is best recommended for Peace, prosperity, and happiness.

About Mercury Shiva (Parad Shivling) Lingam

Parad Shivling / Mercury Shiva Lingam / Parad ShivLingum is made from the purest Mercury (Parad). This Shivalinga is used for Sadhna and if you use a Parad Shivling for worshipping & concentrates on it then all of your wishes are supposed to be fulfilled. According to Vedas, it is considered that Parad is the purest & auspicious metal having very high religious importance. In Brahma Purana, it is written that one of the Ancient Hindu scriptures that he who worships Parad idols / Parad Shivling devotedly, whatever may be his gender, class & creed he gets full worldly pleasures and also attains supreme destination (Moksha).

Benefits of Parad Shivling as Per Ancient Vedic Texts

It is believed that even by touching the energized Parad Shivling, ones sins are removed as per ancient Vedic texts. It is recommended by our sages to adore and worship Parad Shivling, this lead them to be infused with extraordinary valour, invincibility, adding to their fame and popularity far and wide-spreading almost over the whole world. It is best recommended for Peace, prosperity and happiness.

- Peace and Prosperity in the House and Business Premises Abundance of Wealth.
- Brings Peace and Harmony among the people residing on the premises.
- If kept in the bedroom, it brings harmony among the couple.
- If kept during a religious gathering, it brings knowledge by the blessings of Goddess Saraswati.
- Enlightens the students with the knowledge and sharpens their skills.
- A mere presence of Parad Shivlinga in House is sufficient to pacify the Vaastu Doshas as well as any Black Magic or Evil Eye effects.
- Removes ill-effects of Brahmhatya, Gau-Hatya and Bal-Hatya (Dosha due to killing of a priest, cow or a child in the previous births).

Ingredients required for abhishek procedure of Parad Shivling

- Panchgavya (Water, Milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey)
- Any one Fruit Juice (Coconut water, Sugarcane Juice, Pomegranate Juice)

Abhishek Procedure of Parad Shivling

Devotees can do abhishek of Parad Shivling once or twice a week as per convenience and the detailed of abhishek procedure of Parad Shivling is given below

- Bath Parad Shivling with water
- Offer all abhishekam liquid one by one which are Panchgavya (Water, Milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey) and any one Fruit Juice (Coconut water, Sugarcane Juice, Pomegranate Juice)
- Now wipe off Parad Shivling with a clean cloth and place it on pedestal

Ingredients required for Worship procedure of Parad Shivling

- gandaki river water/ gangajal
- clean cloth
- sandal paste
- tulsi leaf
- Dhoop & Agarbatti
- sweet, fruits and other eatable
- a picture of deity related to Parad Shivling

Worship Procedure of Parad Shivling

- First of all place the Parad Shivling on a metal plate
- Sit facing east direction
- Bath the Parad Shivling with gandaki river water/ gangajal
- Wipe it off with clean cloth
- Apply tika of sandal paste on the Parad Shivling and place one tulsi leaf on the Parad Shivling so the tulsi rests on the Parad Shivling nicely
- Chant mantra of god/ goddess
- Show Dhoop/ Agarbatti to Parad Shivling
- Offer some sweet, fruits and other eatable to the Parad Shivling
- Speak out your wish loudly in front of the Parad Shivling

Why Buy Parad Shivling From Shaligram Shala

The Parad products are delivered to the customers after proper energization & pran pratishtha. Therefore all the devotees are requested to forward their date, time & place of birth while ordering Parad Shivling, so that the proper energization & pran pratishtha could be done on their names before the dispatch of the Parad Shivling.

Associated Chakra Planet & Products

If the above Parad Shivling is worshipped along with the following items, the power of this product increases manifolds times more. If you buy any of these items, we shall energize that item during your puja so that these will give you very good results. We will energize and also do Abhimantram of that item.

Chakra - Vishudha Chakra is balanced by worshipping this Parad Shivling. Chakra is seven centers of religious energy in the human body. Chakras are the circular vortexes of power that are situated in seven different points on the spinal column, and all the seven chakras are related to the different organs and glands within the body. These chakras are responsible for disturbing life energy.

Planet - Jupitor (Guru) is associated with this Parad Shivling. According to the Vedic astrology, all the nine planets in your horoscope (Kundali) affect the course of life i.e. marriage, career, health, finances etc. The movement of these planets in the horoscope forms yogas or doshas (negative influences). Due to these Navagraha doshas, people face various obstacles & hindrances in their life. In order to minimize and negate the malefic doshas or malefic influence of these planets, we perform various Pujas & Yagnas.

Shaligram - Shivlinga Shaligram & Shiv Parvati Shaligram can be worshipped along with this Parad Shivling and it gives very good results. The Shaligram is a natural stone that is Lord Vishnu itself. Shaligram is a Blackstone brought from Gandaki river-beds in the Muktinath area of Nepal. Shalagram Shila is also known as Salagram/ Shalagram/ Saligram Sila. Shaligram worshipped in the temple as well as in the houses. Shaligram is a fossilized shell used in South Asia as an iconic symbol and form of Lord Vishnu. They are typically in the form of spherical, black-colored and smooth in nature. We offer a pure array of Shri Shalagram. Its origination place is also likewise of Sankha, Moti or Gomati Chakra which are Aquatic States. Shalagram is a Blackstone brought from Gandaki river, there is a big place called Shalagram and these Shalagram are hundreds of years old.

Rudraksha - 11 Mukhi , 2 Mukhi & 16 Mukhi are also worshipped along with this Parad Shivling. By doing so the power of this product increases manifolds times more. Shaligram Shala offers certified Rudraksh sourced from Nepal & Java (Indonesia). These Rudraksh Shivlings are genuine & real and can work as a cure for a wide variety of diseases including chronic headaches, allergies & skin problems, backaches & digestive problems, depression & insomnia and also several kinds of emotional problems. You can purchase online Rudraksha, Shaligram, gemstones, Vastu products, Puja & Yagnas, meditation accessories, bracelets, Malas and spiritual books & CDs.

Gemstone - Wearing Yellow Sapphire (Peela Pukhraj) along with this Parad Shivling gives results quickly. Gemstones also known as gems, precious stones, semi-precious stones, Vedic gemstones, Jyotish gemstones are one of the most beautiful & exotic minerals with elegant appearance & color. Gems or Gemstones Jewelleries are extensively used for healing and self-empowerment. There are different types of gems with different prices. The price of gemstones depends on the quality of minerals & availability.

Murtis & Idols - You should also worship Shiva Idols along with the Parad Shivling. is one of the leading websites which deals in very high quality and rare Murtis & Idols made of makrana marbles & brass. The Pranpratisthit Murtis are actual live Murties and bestow the devotee with longevity, protection against sudden accidents and thefts.

Yantra - Worshipping Shiva Yantra along with the above Parad Shivling gives accurate results. Yantra established the vibration of large resonance or amplitude with the benefic energy of the cosmos. These vibrations generate contact with highly elevated energies and help to enhance the spirituality within and attain spiritual course of conduct in our daily lives. It also increases the intensity of prayer & makes our thoughts more influential & strong.

Puja - Performing Shiva Pujas gives you very good results. Shaligram Shala Puja and Yagna Services is the most trusted brand for online Hindu pujas and yajna services providers. Our Managing Director of Shaligram Shala Sh. Rajeev Krishna Dasa who is Initiated in Gaudiya Sampradaya has been performing very big pujas like Ati Rudra Puja with 108 priests, Laksh Chandi puja and Yagna with 1100 priests, Satchandi Yagna, Ganesha Laxmi Saraswati pujas, Laxmi Narayana Pujas, Shiva Durga Pujas, Sudarshana Homam, Dasha Mahavidya Pujas, Nav Durga pujas, Navagraha poojas etc.